Laboratory Exercise: Using Git
In this course, we will use Github
as our version control and repository system. The way in which we
will use git and github are explained here
- If you have not already done so, read the general introduction
to git found here, and the watch the video
- If you have not already done so, download Github for Windows or Github for Mac. We will refer to
either of these clients as GHF* (If you are
using a Linux machine, you will have to use the command-line
interface or git-gui, which should have been included in your
- If you have not already done so, create an account for yourself
on Github. (You can do that
directly from GHF* if you want). If you do not have any
repositories in your account, click on the little book in the
upper-right-hand corner to create a public repository.
- Open GHF*, and click "LOG IN" to log in to your github account.
The first time you do this, it will ask for your github login and
password. It will also give you a checkbox icon that says "always
use REBASE". Leave this box checked.
You should see your repository in the repository list. Select it,
and mouse over to the right side of the entry. A little down-arrow
should appear. Select it to clone this repository on your local
machine. (Don't worry, it gets simpler after this.)
Then click on the right arrow to open the repository. Click
on the gear icon "tools" to open an explorer window pointing at the
- Add a text file to the repository, using the tool of your
- Now go back to GHF*. You should see the blue message that says
"uncommitted changes". Click "SHOW" to display them. You can see
the diffs.
- In the yellow box, write a commit message, and hit
- Now you should see a display for "unsynced commits".
- THIS NEXT PART IS VERY IMPORTANT! You see the panel that says "unsynced commits"?
This means that you have made changes to the repository that have
not been uploaded to the server. Upload your changes to the server
by clicking on the icon that says "sync" to upload them. It will
throb for a little while, and then switch to a checkmark that says
"in sync".
- To see that your changes have been uploaded, click on "tools"
again. This time, select "view on github".
- A browser window should pop open with your repository. You
should see your new file there.
- Now let's edit the file in the brower. Click on the file to view
it, and then click "edit". A text window should open. Edit the
file a little. Scroll down, change the commit message if you like,
and hit "commit changes."
- Now let's download those changes into your local copy. In GHF*,
if you are still looking at your repository, hit F5 to
refresh. (Otherwise just open your repository again, and it will
refresh). Now the "in sync" checkmark will be replaced by
"refreshing..." . Eventually the "sync" icon will appear. (If there
were no changes on the server, it will go back to the "in sync"
checkmark.) Click the sync icon to download the changes. You will
get a screen that says "no local changes". To see the changes that
were made, click on the first panel in the "history" display.
Last modified: Wed Sep 3 22:11:27 Eastern Daylight Time 2014